Leo Donnan • Principal
I graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1986 and trained in Orthopaedic Surgery obtaining my Fellowship from the College of Surgeons in 1994.
During the following two years I undertook basic research into the regulation of bone formation at the St Vincent’s Institute of Medical Research before accepting a Senior Lecturer position at the Sheffield Children’s Hospital in the UK.

Vicki Williams • Practice Manager
I was born and grew up in Melbourne, am married and have two adult children and two grandchildren. After working as an Office Manager/Executive Assistant

Meredith Watson • Physiotherapist
I completed my Bachelor of Physiotherapy at La Trobe University in 1998 before commencing work at Goulbourn Valley Health for 2 years. I then moved

Cristina Nikolovski • Office Manager
Prior to working with Associate Professor Leo Donnan, I worked in the private hospital sector as an Executive Assistant to the Executive Director for over